LATC Gala 2014 October 07 2014, 0 Comments

LATC (Los Angeles Theater Center) is a wonderful organization that works very hard to support the arts and artists. Their specific mission is to "provide a world-class arts center for those pursuing artistic excellence; a laboratory where both tradition and innovation are honored and honed; a place where the convergence of people, cultures and ideas contribute to the future."

A couple of months ago, while my husband & I were attending a friend's play, I was approached by a woman who complimented me on the necklace I was wearing. I mentioned that it was one of my creations and we talked for a few minutes. I gave her my card and we went our separate ways.

A couple of weeks later, I received an email from her inviting me to participate in the silent auction at their big annual fundraising gala alongside a few other established as well as up-and-coming artists. I immediately agreed, happy and honored to make a small contribution to this great organization.

I was ready to donate a few pieces of jewelry, as I often do for various charities, but was told that this event was different. The artists get compensated for their creations in a way that feels comfortable to them, and LATC also receives part of the proceeds; a win-win situation for everyone involved.

The gala was held last Saturday and was an all around success! My hat goes off to all the organizers who created an amazing, high class event. The crows was very generous, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. My husband & I certainly had a fantastic time, and my jewelry did extremely well at the auction. 

Thank you so much LATC for doing this important work, and thank you Angela Scott for including me in this year's event. I am beyond grateful.


Just HAD to strike a pose on the red carpet. Right?!

Setup finished. My display is ready to go. Let the games begin!


Brought my helper & biggest fan with me: my husband Nathan.

The stunning LATC building in downtown Los Angeles.           Enjoying every minute of the evening!


Lots of jewelry goodies ready to be picked up by some bidders with really good taste. ;-)