Gems, Jewels, Love and Life

Stone: SMOKEY QUARTZ June 18 2014, 0 Comments

Smokey Quartz is a root chakra stone, and wonderful for those times in our lives when we really want to move forward, to fuel our motivation and empower our projects & goals. It helps release the obstacles within our being like old programs that no longer serve us and limited thought patterns we subconsciously picked up along the way. 

It is also a very protective & grounding stone, and can shield us from negative energies. It can even transform those darker energies into positivity & light.

Emotionally, Smokey Quartz is excellent for elevating moods and relieving depression, stress, fear, and anger. It is very comforting and calming, and can be considered a stone of serenity. Using it during meditation helps access higher states of consciousness. It is also a great crystal to stimulate kundalini.

On a more practical note, Smokey Quartz has a beautiful, earthy and neutral color so it can be accessorized easily and therefore worn often.

Here are a few gorgeous pieces for you to enjoy: