Gems, Jewels, Love and Life

Stone: CHERRY QUARTZ April 25 2014, 0 Comments

This is the sister-stone of the well known Rose Quartz; a darker, more vibrant version of it. But it carries the same gentle, nurturing energy and is filled with love vibration. It is a powerful gem to soften and open the heart, and is particularly effective at promoting self-love.

A wonderful choice for wedding jewelry if the color calls to you (and matches your theme!) as it encourages the flow of love between its wearer and those around her. 

I also recommend this gem for children. The young hearts are in their natural, open state and this stone aids in maintaining that openness through the challenges that accompany childhood (peer pressure, etc...) 

Plus this warm shade of pink is so girly and fun!

Here are some beautiful Cherry Quartz pieces: